I made this video in this last fews days at home with Silvia, closed in quarantine in our studio, responding to the Video Artist Open Call “Plague and Locusts 2020″ by friends of Ephemereye. Take a look to the call if you want to take part, enjoy the video and #stayhome. It’s strange but it will pass.
(3’00” – Milan, Italy)
Directed, written & destroyed by Matteo Campulla
“Two artists leave Milan, a city struggling with the first covid-19 infections, for the week of contemporary art fairs in NY. In the same days the situation in Italy worsens day by day: Milan becomes a red zone, the “lockdown” begins and the flights for the return are canceled. Back just in time in a deserted city, after 13 days of quarantine, here is the direct testimony of isolation and artistic work during the covid-19.”
(If you want the SUB ITA version, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/VFKAoe1yqls)